Monday, October 21, 2013

Sometimes You Just Need a Vacation!

What if you were told you had to go on a vacation? What if it was required of you whether you were employed or a student?

Well as much as we wish it all should be it isn’t. However, through many statistical reports, those who don’t take vacations tend have severe health problems later on. Many people don’t understand that their mind and body need vacations as a break to reduce stress, ward off burnouts and increase job performance.

“… Vacations -- even if you never leave home -- are all but essential, the research tells us. Not just for unwinding and de-stressing, but because they often serve as a time to regroup and generate new ideas, making us even more productive when we return. And Americans already take far less vacation time than people in nations around the world,” stated Rod Kurtz of the Huffington Post.

From asking a few students around campus why they think people don’t take more vacations is because they are so expensive. Well what if I told you that according to CNN Money, approximately $67 billion in vacation days goes unused. That is basically saying each person throws away money every year because they do not take up their allotted vacation time. CNN continued to stated that, “…an average employed American worker got 18 vacation days last year, but only used 14 of those desirable days off.”

As many articles contributed, it can cost a lot to go on vacation which leaves you wondering is it worth it? Well through some research, there have been a few vacations that may leave you surprised on how affordable they can really be.

Being in Klamath Falls there are a few great getaways fairly close and some that aren’t but can be affordable if you’re willing to reduce some expenses.

Viva Las Vegas!

If you and 3 friends wanted to visit the grand city, you could get a 5 star hotel for as little as $95 a night. According to Expedia values do change, but during this time of year rates for Las Vegas are more affordable.

 Seattle, WA
If you and 7 friends wanted to stay in a nice vacation home for an entire week, for as little as $1,100, then Seattle is the spot for you. You can bring your own food to cover additional costs and if you wanted to plan your trip for the holidays you can see the Christmas Ship Festival. That’s $91 per person for your whole weeks stay.

There is always the option of visiting the coast for a few days. Several vacation homes offer a night rate or a weekly rate: meaning that you can get a bigger home for about the same price as a hotel. Isn’t that great? Getting to have 12 people and it cost $1,100 for a whole week sounds great, plus if you bring your own good to make at the house instead of going out every night for dinner sure does save a lot of money.

  Where Dreams Do Come True!

 You could go to Disneyland this Christmas break. If you take a group of 4, you can rent a home and pay for your tickets for less than $350 a person for 4 days. So you may be thinking this is quite a bit of money for a college student, but if you start saving now you would only need to save $7 a day. That’s less than 1 hour of work at a minimum wage job.

Muy Caliente!
And if you wanted to get even a little more crazy: $689 a person for a Christmas break adventure to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and stay at the all-inclusive Palmer Beach Resort and Spa. If you started saving now you would only need to save $13.78 a day – just under 2 hours of work at a minimum wage job.

The key is to have fun. Hopefully you will find yourself the perfect getaway. Good luck!


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