Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What do you mean you can't get a job?

"Hello, can I help you?"
"Yes, I need a job."
"Ok, What kind of job?"
"Any job, but no one will hire me with out experience but I can't get experience with out a job."
"Wait, say that again..."
"I can't get a job without experience and I can't get experience with out a job."
"Do you have a resume?"
"Do you have a career services online account?"
"Do you have any leads to where you would like to work?"
"Ok, well your in the right place, have a seat, we have a lot to talk about!"

You will not have this problem any more once you come to OIT Career Services!

In between the time of our last blog, (about a month ago) and now, employers posted over 160 jobs using our career services online system. Which would roughly come out to about five postings a day, give or take a few.

We provide endless amounts of information about jobs! We even get the employers to come on campus to host interviews! They are looking for you!

Career Services supports student and alumni efforts to develop and achieve career goals. Services include: individual career advising; workshops and classroom presentations on resume writingjob interviewingjob search and applying to graduate schoolon-campus employer recruitment, whereby companies and government agencies interview students for career and internship opportunities; Career Fairs, which bring employers and students together on campus to discuss career opportunities informally; career resource materials and job listings; and a resume referral service, which supports student applications for employment and graduate school.

If you want a job, we got them! Come see us!

Your future starts today!


Can't leave the house? Skype us! OITCareerServices

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