Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oracle Still Wants YOU to Succeed!

In the last post, I covered some of the topics that Mallika, Manager of Oracle's ThinkQuest Competition, went over in her lecture here at OIT. I just want to wrap up that post with this one, which is mainly full of "et-cetera" material.

The ThinkQuest Application Development Competition is an annual competition which puts individuals into a small team tasked with developing a solution to a real-world problem. This tests each student's communication, critical thinking and technology skills... all of which are things I mentioned in the previous post. There are a bunch of divisions, but chances are that college students will most often fit into the 22 and under division. Competition for this year's event started in August, but it doesn't end until this April 27th. So there's still time to get into it!

Again, it's not so much about the competition as it is about developing your skills in all of the aforementioned areas, all of which can help you greatly in your job search!

Check out http://www.thinkquest.org/ for more information, and also keep your eye out for other competitions sponsored by other organizations!

Don't forget about your resume. I've seen a ton of resumes that are all function, with little focus on form. When you're diving into a market where hiring managers are looking at hundreds of resumes every week, it's important to find a way to make yours stand out at first glance. There are plenty of ways to do this right, but even more ways to do it wrong. This is another thing I will consider covering in the coming weeks. Keep a look out!

Mallika made sure to press the importance for innovation. Our world is constantly changing because of innovation, and it's definitely going in the positive direction. Taking an innovating approach to solving problems may take a bit more time, but the outcome can be well worth it. Employers all over the world are looking to innovate, and if you can bring that quality to the table, then you'll be among their first choices!

We're waiting on a video from Oracle of one of the lectures given elsewhere. When I receive it, I'll watch it and post it with another blog!

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